About the Family Engagement Assessment Tool
The Family Engagement Assessment Tool helps educators understand where their family engagement practice is strong and gives them actionable resources for targeted improvement.
Developed by the Flamboyan Foundation, the Family Engagement Assessment Tool is rooted in more than 10 years of experience coaching, training, and supporting educators in building, implementing, and sustaining REAL Family Engagement in schools and school systems across the country. No matter where you are on your teaching journey, the Family Engagement Assessment Tool is designed to support you in assessing your family engagement areas of strength and growth and gives you tangible resources to get started.
Taking the Tool is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Step 1
Answer our research-based questions to assess the strengths and areas of growth in your family engagement practice.
Step 2
Make meaning of your results using our personalized recommendations.
Step 3
Dive deep into our Resource Library for more tools to develop, embed, and sustain your family engagement practice.
Developed by a team of content, data, communication, and product development experts, the Family Engagement Assessment Tool poses 29 research-based questions to not only help teachers and school leaders assess their areas of strength and areas of growth, but also improve their practice through customized resources aligned to their individual results. No matter their region, background, or years of experience, the Tool provides a free and accessible entry point for all educators looking to learn more about their family engagement practice.
The Tool measures an educator’s practice across four domains that build upon each other: 1) Asset-Based Beliefs about Families, 2) Relationship Building and Establishing Trust, 3) Ongoing Communication Methods, and 4) Academic Partnering. It is designed to be taken more than once so that educators can track their progress over time and receive personalized results throughout their teaching journeys.
The Flamboyan Foundation would like to acknowledge and thank:
Dr. Kyndra Middleton, for her critical contributions to the survey items and research behind this tool. Dr. Middleton is a Professor of Educational Psychology and Director of Graduate Studies for the School of Education at Howard University where she teaches statistics and measurement courses, serves as the primary methodologist for the school, and sits on numerous university-wide committees. She is also a Board member of the National Council on Measurement in Education and on the Executive Council of the National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences. Her research focuses on ensuring validity, equity, and fairness for all students as well as increasing the number of underrepresented minorities in STEM fields. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Educational Measurement and Statistics from The University of Iowa and her B.S. in Mathematical Sciences from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. A native of Walterboro, SC and a proud graduate of an HBCU, she also serves as the Higher Education committee chair for the DC Metro HBCU Alumni Alliance.
The Leon Lowenstein Foundation for its support in making this tool a reality.
Want to tell us how using the Tool went? Fill out this survey, or contact us at product@flamboyanfoundation.org! We’d love to hear from you
The Flamboyan Foundation is guided by the belief that all children deserve the opportunity to live a fulfilling life, no matter the circumstances they were born into. With offices in Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, Flamboyan advances equity through K-3 reading, arts revitalization, and family engagement.
Take the Tool
Want to know where your family engagement practice is strong and where you can improve?